Discovery Astrophotography with ZWO ASTRO

[Video] Jupiter Captured with ZWO ASI224MC Camera and SharpCap

by Chuck’s Astrophotography



This is an unboxing, setup, and review of my new ZWO ASI224MC Color CMOS Imaging Camera – it can be used for deep sky, planets, solar, and lunar imaging. I plan to use it for planetary work. This video is also my first attempt at capturing Jupiter with the SharpCap software – I’m using 2.9, but version 3.0 is also available (you can see my settings for SharpCap later in the video). The data was stacked using AutoStakkert. To photograph Jupiter, I removed the focal reducer from my 8″ NexStar telescope to give it more focal length. Here is more info below on my astrophotography setup:

Astro Target: Jupiter
Imaging Telescope: Celestron NexStar 8SE SCT (2000mm focal length)
Mount: Celestron CGX
Imaging Camera: ZWO ASI224MC Color
Filters: None
Guide scope: None
Guide Camera: None
Guide Software: None
Capture software: SharpCap
Stacking software: Autostakkert
Post Processing: RegiStax

Here are the specs on the camera:

Model Number: ASI224MC
Color or Monochrome Camera: Color
Imaging Camera Series: ZWO ASI224
Camera Sensor Manufacturer:Sony
Sensor Model: IMX224
Sensor Type: CMOS
Sensor Dimensions (mm): 4.8mm x 3.6mm
Pixel Size (µm): 3.75 um
Pixel Array (pixels): 1304 x 976
Camera Cooling: Natural Convection
Minimum Exposure: 32 microseconds
Maximum Exposure: 1000 seconds
Software Included: Yes
Computer Interface: USB 3.0
Includes Filter Wheel: No, Not Necessary
Camera Dimensions: 62mm x 36mm
Camera Weight (lb.): 4.2 ounces without lens
OS Compatibility: Mac, Windows, Linux



  • Robert Steppe
    Posted April 21, 2018 at 8:11 pm

    Hi Detroit-Boy. I was a Detroit-Boy,1934 model, so I had to say hello. I enjoyed you r video and am struggling getting my first camera, an ASI 185 Colour, up an running.

    We now live in a world of no op manuals, so get out there and hunt!


    Robert, formerly of 5309 Manistique, but it does not exist any more.

    • Sean Wang
      Posted April 25, 2018 at 3:33 pm

      Thank you!

  • Terence Baz
    Posted August 9, 2020 at 7:09 pm

    I have the ASI 224 camera. I have taken 2 minute videos of Jupiter using the ADC, a Celestron 8SE with a Celestron 2X Barlow, using a Celestron AVX mount intead of the SE. The image was quite stable but when I looked at it on the computer later on, it looked like a big blur & I was not happy with the result after using Autostackert 3 and Registax 6. I wonder if I have the correct settings when taking the video. I had the camera gain at 300 and the brightness at about 75%. Could you please advise me about the best settings for Jupiter when using the camera? Thank you.

    • Post Author
      Posted August 10, 2020 at 3:22 am

      Make sure you have correct the optic axis of your telescope, and adjust the ADC. But the setting for Jupiter is depend on your telescope and other equipments.
      We can advise a normal setting for you: the exposure time at about 10ms-20ms, gain setting at about 200-300.

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